Open Projects
Here there be ramblings…
News, views, and random natterings…
DiskFX Demo
A follow up for a little gizmo I’ve been working on to add some audible feedback to an all electronic, and therefore normal silent, floppy emulator.
A Little Self Control
As much as I like the nostalgia of the good ol 1Khz Apple BEEP! there are some folks who don’t. Further, there are some games that somewhat abuse the privilege of the Apple ][ speaker. Enter this idea… gleaned from the study of the //c and it’s clone cousin(s) from Franklin was the concept of …
Silent disks creep me out!
In development is this little gizmo, making all sorts of clicky goodness whenever a Solid-State FDD emulator is accessed. Tentatively called DiskFX, so far I’m reasonably happy with it, even if it does dwarf the very “drive” it’s meant to be teamed up with 😀